The Kabbalistic Tree of Life App

Alex Strasburg
4 min readMay 3, 2022

For my project I decided to create a workable catalog highlighting the various links known as the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Kabbalah outlines the way in which God chooses to manifests to Its creations. The Tree is composed of 10 spheres (known as Sephiroths) and 22 paths, each harmonizing the output of the Divine Light.

With the project, I wanted to create a program that would teach people the basic background of the Tree of Life, also highlighting the various ways in which the spheres and paths worked as a catalog. I began by doing a search regarding the various ways that the tree of life has been viewed:

After researching the layouts of the Tree of Life, I decided I wanted to get an overview of the various apps that are currently on the market:

22 Paths on the Tree of Life (Kabbalah and Tarot) — The Treasure Trove Inc.
Rambam Plus — Mishneh Torah — Mifal Mishneh Torah
Philosopher Garden — The Tree of Life

Of all the different apps, I really liked the parchment feel of Treasure Trove Inc. background. I also found the Philosopher’s Garden app to be the most intuitive. The app was developed in Unity and allowed the user to walk around the tree of life, highlighting the various aspects of each Sephiroth or Path:

Philosopher Garden — Path 11

After reviewing the different apps, I was sort of at a loss regarding how to to differentiate my app from the current market. I decided to outline some of the different possible layouts:

I decided to start building out the basic pages that I wanted to include. An About Page, a Sephiroth page, and a Path Page. I also wanted to include the basic correspondences for each of the Sephiroths. For this I used the list of correspondences from Donald Michael Kraig’s Modern Magick:

From Donald Michael Kraig’s Modern Magick
From Donald Michael Kraig’s Modern Magick

I initially wanted to use an image of the Tree of Life and worked on an example I had found online.

Tree of Life 3d Model

However I eventually decided to build out the Tree with the Sphere and the Paths so I could color and utilize different effects with it in Figma:

I set up the spheres and the paths as components in Figma and created an About Page that covered the background of the different paths:

After creating the About Page I worked with a colleague to create the Sephiroth pages.

The majority of the work was spent on coloring the spheres, creating smart animations and populating the correspondence path.

To accomplish this I had to create 10 different Trees of Life for each sphere:

I also learned how to utilize drop shadows and light placement to make the spheres and paths become more 3d.

In the conclusion I decided to cut off the Paths because of time limitations. However, I plan on building out the paths and their Tarot and Hebrew Alphabet Correspondences.

Alex Strasburg is a student in the Digital Media program at Utah Valley University, Orem Utah, studying Interaction & Design. The following article relates to (Principles of Digital Design) in the (DGM 3270 Course) and representative of the skills learned.

